The Palmetto A’s of South Carolina is a not for profit organization with chapter affiliations with MAFCA and MARC. The organization is dedicated to the preservation and the restoration of the Model A Ford automobile and supports membership in the national organizations dedicated to the same purpose. The Palmetto A’s is one of the oldest Model A Clubs in the nation, having been active since June of 1960. Our membership meets monthly on the third Saturday of each month and generally includes a driving tour. Meeting time and place is announced in The Spare Tire, our award winning monthly newsletter publication. Our website, recognized as MAFCA’s 2011 Chapter Website of the Year, is dedicated to club activities. We also have a Facebook page where information pertaining to our club and individual member’s activities may be found.
The Model A Ford Club of America, Inc (MAFCA) is a California non-profit corporation and a national historical society dedicated to the restoration and preservation of Model A Ford vehicles as manufactured from 1928 through 1931. MAFCA’s members are dedicated to the restoration, preservation, and enjoyment of Ford vehicles of that era. MAFCA is the largest club in the world dedicated to one make of automobile. Palmetto A’s members are urged to join the Model A Ford Club of America, Inc. Dues are $50 yearly and include a subscription to The Restorer.
MAFCA, 250 South Cypress St., LaHabra, CA 90631
The Model A Restorers Club (MARC), founded in 1952, holds as its aims the encouragement of members to acquire, restore, preserve and exhibit the Model A Ford, and most importantly, to enjoy the fellowship of other Model A Ford owners around the world. Palmetto A’s members are also urged to join the Model A Restorers Club (MARC). Dues are $50 yearly and include a subscription to the Model “A” News.
MARC, 6721 Merriman Road, Garden City, MI 48135
Board of Directors
President *- John Cockerill - (803) 446-3837
Vice Pres.* - Happy Begg - (803) 622-0048
Secretary* - Debbie Areheart - (803) 960-0927
Treasurer* - Dick Fraser - (803) 622-7582
Newsletter - Twila Cockerill - (803) 446-5803
Membership Director - Cheryl Austin - (803) 351-5687
National Director - Wayne & Debbie Areheart - (803) 960-0927
Members At Large - Dan Ward - (864) 415-5496
Bruce Edge - (803) 206-4207
*Denotes Officer of the Club
Committee Chairs
Tour Director - Cheryl and Danny Austin (803)351-5687
Technical Director Wayne Areheart (803)755-9395
Librarian - Davin Smith (803) 822-4141
Palmetto A’s Annual Picnic - Committee
Swap Meet - Committee Christmas Party -
Committee Fundraising - Dick Fraser
Community Outreach - John Begg
Webmaster - Happy Begg