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We are a Ford Model A driving club. Each month on the third Saturday, our members assemble at a designated meeting place and tour to a destination, enjoy a meal together, have a short meeting to discuss pertinent club business, then tour home.  We usually travel between 25 and 150 miles on these tours. We hold an annual Swap Meet at Smith & Jones Antique Auto Parts in West Columbia, SC.


We would love for you to join us in your Model A!  Please, see the current newsletter for information on our next tour.


Mailing address:

Palmetto A’s of South Carolina

Post Office Box 8717

Columbia, South Carolina 29202


Copyright 2009-2024  Palmetto A’s of South Carolina        All rights reserved.  Palmetto A’s of South Carolina

The Palmetto A’s makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied as to the information, content, 

materials or products included on this site. To the full extent permissible by applicable law, The Palmetto A’s disclaims all 

warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. 

Nothing expressed, furnished, or supplied by this site is, or implied to be, technical advice or services, or substitute 

for the advice and services of a qualified mechanic.

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